Easy Card Trick Prediction Tutorial
All magicians should perform card tricks. With this easy magic trick, you will amaze your audience with your “power of prediction.” At the beginning of the trick, the audience will watch you select a predictor card from a standard deck of cards and place it face-down on the table. The audience member will handle the cards throughout the trick and, in the end, will deal two cards, one matching the predictor card in number value and one in the suit. Spectators will watch in amazement as you “predict” that the two cards will combine to match the predictor card. When the predictor card is turned over and revealed, they won’t believe what they just witnessed. This trick does not require sleight-of-hand skills and takes only a few practice runs to perform with convincing ease, yet it truly astounds audiences. Watch the below video and learn from Seattle’s best magician, Nate Jester.
Use a standard deck of cards with jokers removed. Show the deck to the audience to assure them it is standard. Sitting across from your audience, shuffle the cards a few times. Holding the cards, fan them out in front of you, keeping their values hidden from the audience. Discreetly look at the first two cards on your left; they must have different suits and number values. If they are not, reshuffle the deck and repeat. (For example, they cannot be a 2 of Hearts and a 3 of Hearts, or a 2 of Hearts and a 2 of Spades).
With the cards fanned out in front of you, casually inform the audience that you are looking for a card at random to be pulled out of the deck. As quickly as you can, find the card that is the number value of the first card on the left and the suit of the second card on the left. For example, if the first card is a 2 of Hearts and the second card is an Ace of Spades, find the 2 of Spades in the deck and pull it out. Do not show the card to the audience. Place it face down on the table and set an object over it to keep it secure and to imply to the audience that you won’t be able to manipulate it with sleight of hand. This is the predictor card.
Close the deck and hand it to an audience member face down. Explain that they will be the only ones handling the cards from now on and that you will not touch the cards. Tell them to deal the cards from the top of the deck, face down, in a single pile. The two key cards that were at the left of the fanned deck (in our example, the 2 of Hearts and Ace of Spades) will be at the bottom of the dealt pile. After they have dealt the first few cards, tell them to stop at any time with any card and deal two or three cards at a time. When they stop, you can ask if they’re sure that that’s where they want to stop and give them the option of dealing more cards. This all increases the perception that they are in total control of the deck and the order of the cards.
Tell them to set the remaining cards aside when they are finished dealing. Tell them to pick up the pile of cards they dealt (face down) and deal from the top into two separate piles, one by one, in a face-down position. The last card placed on top of each pile will be the key cards (again, in our example, the 2 of Hearts and Ace of Spades). The card on the top of the first pile will be the suit of the predictor card, and the card on top of the second pile will be the value of the predictor.
Ask them to turn over the top card in the first pile and say this will be the suit of the single card on the table (the predictor card). Have them do the same with the top card in the second pile and say this will be the number of the card on the table. (Using our example, he turned over the Ace of Spades in the first pile and the 2 of Hearts in the second). Announce that the card that is face down on the table will be the 2 of Spades. Tell them to turn over the predictor card and watch their amazement that you were able to predict the card.
Acknowledgment: The magician who invented this easy and amazing card trick is unknown to Nate, but he would still like to express his appreciation!